23903825-conceptual-3d-render-image-with-depth-of-field-blur-effect-compass-needle-pointing-the-green-word-stDennis offers consultations to find the root of the problem, see the whole picture, and find what others have not considered.

This is followed up with strategies following the 3 stage process for lasting results.

1.) Calm stressors and pain sources
2.) Correct imbalances causing the stress and/or pain
3.) Condition new patterns of thinking and actions

Services utilized to accomplish this are Individual sessions Consultations – in person and/or phone skype to find what is really happening in any specific area of life or in the unbalanced interplay between various areas of life and to create effective strategies to correct this rapidly.

Therapy Sessions for stress & pain relief- in person

Neuromuscular therapy

Hypnosis, and Neurolinguistic Programming Coaching

Weekly Group calls – ongoing calls with focus one one area of life for 2 months, then another area.  (In a year’s time, you will attain an acute awareness of where your life is running smoothly and which areas need assistance. You will have highly efficient strategies to create progress in each of these areas for either improvement or maintenance.)

Weekly Individual calls – One on one coaching with Dennis to address the area(s) of life that need improvement. Highly creative solutions strategies and the motivation to follow through are keys to the rapid progress from this program. Commitment is for 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. Seminars The Optimum

Performance Seminar – In this program you will learn and experience progress in the process of designing the Whole Life (all six areas) with a proprietary system of goal setting. This only comes after you complete exercises to clarify your true (higher) identity nad your philosophy (your values, purpose, and current mission). Following this order gives a basis for setting goals in a context of what is most important to you in life and fulfillment of the purpose God has for you.

This is followed by a series of Seminars to learn and develop the most useful strategies to dramatically improve and or maintain each area of life.

  • Optimum Physical Performance
  • Optimum Mental Performance
  • Optimum Emotional Performance
  • Optimum Social Performance
  • Optimum Spiritual Performance
  • Optimum Financial Performance